New Zealand birds

In CRT we learnt about New Zealand birds. We did art and drawed 2 birds then we wrote questions. Then our teacher Jude put the questions in a Kahoot. Today we played the Kahoot. Some of the questions were How much does a hioho weigh? and how long does a kiwi live?. Someone even  put What size is a Pukeko?. Did you know morepork can turn its head 270 degrees angle. Did you know there 5 types of kiwis North Island brown kiwi, tokoeka, rowi, great spotted kiwi and little spotted kiwi there spread ed across New Zealand. Have you ever played a kahoot?

The Rema Chronicles

I think that Tabby will have to through the the guards after healing. She will get home after a week and go back to the forest and find Yggdrasil.

My quick write

I stared out of the window. The gondolas were passing by the water was mucky and slightly dirty. The Factory across the road is just opened Steam started with the sun rising and the distance Then and ocean liner was over in the sea you could see it in the distance I walked away and started making the scruffy bed Been a loud noise hit me I sprinted back to the window A small child was horrid  She banged at the window the child  silently screamed tears run down her  Rosy red Cheeks I wasn’t sure why she was screaming Factory workers soon noticed and tried to save the small floats My soon realize the poor old ocean liner was getting straight to us i  tried running out No you said I’m building crash bang a building fell into a river a screen the little girls no longer side literally screaming the captain looks so worried he tried turning the ship the ship was wheel was unscrewed The captain looks so worried what happened he tried turning the ship I smash open the window and took the break and stop the boat/ocean liner. 

My geometry work

19/10 In Maths we have been working on geometry This is my work. I created a square with coding. We also had to draw with the pen where the sprite went if you want to make one you can go on scratch. follow what i coded. Any wonders or questions please ask in the comments.  Thank you Stella and Lilia for helping me with this work.

25/10This is part 2 of my geometry work. Very fun. <iframe 26/10 Today I made a square with scratch Carys helped  me a little so thanks for that! Have you ever coded on Scratch?


This is part 4 of of geo thanks to thea and Carys for helping me.  you can copy my code. A star and a strawberry. Kathy helped me a bit with the steps.


Heres my answers thank you Kelsi for helping me. I used the coding in scratch.

1/11 This is my work we had to copy codes and this is what it makes. Thanks Samara with helping me embed this so you can get this experience6/11  This is my code im not sure why it does that but i double checked but its all correct.

Cybersmart Challenge

This week we had to learn how to make a good blog comment the first activity was about where you had to insert arrows to where the good parts are. Second activity you had to look at Alex’s post and reply to his comment. I tried my hardest. Have you ever replied to a comment

Similes and metaphors

❤‍🔥Similes and metaphors ❤‍🔥

Once upon a time there was a young girl. She was very happy like sunshine.  As she went into the mushroom field next to her tiny cottage. She climbed up the tree like monkey. She found a spot in the tree with her book. Her book went a little like this “One day there was a girl called Kayla she loved to dance she went to sleep in her tiny cottage curled up in a little cocoon she was a caterpillar” Hold on that sounded like poppy. Poppy put her the book pages clashed.  She climbed down and went inside for dinner. 


Today we made a  story wanting to add similes and metaphors hope you like it